10 Killer Tips for Beginner Guitarist with Good Technique | Guitar Lesson for Beginner

10 Killer Tips for Beginner Guitarist with Good Technique

10 Killer Tips for Beginner Guitarist with Good Technique

If you want to learn guitar but you don’t have any idea or knowledge about the guitar “How to play guitar” “What should I have to know to learn guitar” How to Learn guitar” if this question is heading in your mind don’t worry this is the right place for all of this question. I solve all of your doubts. I give you 10 Killer Tips for Beginner Guitarist with Good Technique, if you are a beginner it helps a lot. 

The first 10 things beginner guitarist should learn:

  1. Guitar Anatomy
  2. How to Hold a Guitar
  3. How to Hold a Pick
  4. How to Tune a Guitar
  5. How to Re-string a Guitar
  6. How to Read Tabs and Chords
  7. How to Strum in Rhythm
  8. How to Play Open Chords
  9. How to Play Power Chords
  10. How to Play Guitar Songs


1. Guitar Anatomy

10 Killer Tips for Beginner Guitarist with Good Technique | Guitar Lesson for Beginner

If you need to know more about it before you can learn something. As you are learning to drive a car, you have to learn its brakes, gear, escalators, buttons in the proper way. This rule also applies to the guitar.

Before playing guitar, you have to learn What is the parts in it? What else does it work? You have to grab full information about every single guitar part. The information shown in the photo will help you completely.

2. How to Hold a Guitar

10 Killer Tips for Beginner Guitarist with Good Technique | Guitar Lesson for Beginner

Some beginner guitar learners are thinking it was very easy to hold a guitar. But if you do not hold the guitar in the right position, you can not play the guitar properly. For that, you have to put the left hand in the neck side and put the right hand in the body part of the sound hold which produces good sound from the guitar.

If you use the left hand, it is easy if you have a lift sided guitar, otherwise, you can change guitar string-like (E, A, D, G, B, E) completely opposite of right-sided guitar. And keep the left hand in the body part in the Sound Hole and the right hand in the neck of the guitar.

3. How to Hold a Pick

10 Killer Tips for Beginner Guitarist with Good Technique | Guitar Lesson for BeginnerIf you are a beginner, then the pick cannot be known, only a few beginners are hearing about the pick. If you are wondering what is the pick? The pick is a small piece made of plastic used to play guitar. The pick is inexpensive and easily get on a galleries store or at the book store.
To use it, put the pick between your thumb and the first or index finger and hit up and down of the guitar string. If you are a beginner guitar player then  I suggest a use thin pick because it is very easy to use.

4. How to Tune a Guitar

10 Killer Tips for Beginner Guitarist with Good Technique | Guitar Lesson for Beginner

Tune a guitar means to mix the wire of the guitar properly. The string of guitar should be from top to bottom (E, A, D, G, B, E). If you are playing guitar, you cannot even try to play as much as you can play because it does not make perfect sound playing the guitar without guitar tuning. So it is very important to tune the guitar before playing. 

There are various guitar tuner in the market but they are quite expensive, if you do not want to spend money then you can download Best Free guitar tuner apps from Google play store on your phone and tune guitar, which is very easy to use and tune accurately. You can also tune with hormone and use the 5th Guitar FretTechnique.

5. How to Re-string a Guitar

10 Killer Tips for Beginner Guitarist with Good Technique | Guitar Lesson for BeginnerThe guitar has 6 wires (E, A, D, G, B, E) which must be inserted correctly. First of all, you need to know the wire is out of date. If the wire goes old or colorful and the tune goes fluttering, it is difficult to tuning, then the wire should be older. What advice do I give you, when using the strings of the guitar, use a good quality, which is reliable and produces a good and clear sound.

10 Killer Tips for Beginner Guitarist with Good Technique | Guitar Lesson for Beginner
C major chord for example

6. How to Read Tabs and Chords

If you are a beginner then one of the most important things is to know about the Chords and Tabs. First of all, you need to know about Fret/Bar, String and finger after that, you can easily put every single finger in every single fret and string incorrect position watching the guitar chords chart. The most important things to improve your chords or tab progression skills is you have to stretch your finger, move left to right, up to down at list 5 minute before starting to play guitar.

7. How to Strum in Rhythm

Rhythm means bit or strumming. Rhythm is a huge challenge for every beginner they are failed to play rhythm because they have no proper idea about strumming. Rhythm is not so complicated there are only a few things you have to know like D-down, U-up, M-mute, P-palming, etc. these 4 things are enough to understand rhythm. The best way to learn or practice rhythm is using a Loop (Loop means repeated sound, you can buy loop gadget in guitar or music shop) or drums bit. Also, you can download free mobile apps there are lots of loop and drum bit.

8. How to Play Open Chords/Bar chords

10 Killer Tips for Beginner Guitarist with Good Technique | Guitar Lesson for Beginner

An open chord is a simple and usual chord that does not have to cover the entire wire. Just like a chord only fits three wires. Most of the beginner can learn this open card easily. When a beginner can play single open chords completely, then they start to learn the second open chord(Bar Chords). Bar Chords is also easy to play but the main thing is you have to put your first or index finger in full strings.

10 Killer Tips for Beginner Guitarist with Good Technique | Guitar Lesson for Beginner9. How to Play Power Chords

This is the 9th number of 10 Killer Tips for Beginner Guitarists with Good Technique. It is called Route Chord or 5th Chord. The main two notes are used in the power chord. These chords are often used in rock music. The power chord is only used to play 2 or 3 fingers.

10. How to Play Guitar Songs

Before you start playing guitar with song, choose a good, easy and simple song, which has less chord, easy to learn, and also easier to remember. Because the first thing is always memorable for everyone. So, that song you remember entire life. Playing it a song to keep practicing in guitar. When the song begins to be compatible with the guitar, then practicing the song’s vocabulary.
Thank you for your meantime. If you think this article “10 Killer Tips for Beginner Guitar Learner” helps you a little then don’t greedy to share and comment. So, do hard-work with smartly, practice as you can practice makes you perfect.
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