Bust Down TV Series Storyline (Plot):
Bust Down is an American comedy streaming television series created by Langston Kerman, Jak Knight, Chris Redd, and Sam Jay. It is directed by Richie Keene and staring Chris Redd, Sam Jay, Langston Kerman, and Jak Knight.
The series follows a group of friends working low-wage jobs at a casino in Gary, Indiana.
Quick Information:
TV Series | Bust Down |
Genre | Comedy |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
No. of seasons | 1 |
No. of episodes | 6 |
Original release | March 10, 2022 |
Created by | Langston Kerman Jak Knight Chris Redd Sam Jay |
Directed by | Richie Keene |
Executive producers | Langston Kerman Jak Knight Chris Redd Sam Jay Lorne Michaels Hilary Marx Andrew Singer Richie Keen Guy Stodel |
Starring | Chris Redd Sam Jay Langston Kerman Jak Knight |
Production companies | Broadway Video Universal Television |
Original network | Peacock |
Bust Down TV Series Trailer:
Bust Down TV Series Cast and Character:
- Chris Redd as Chris, a valet
- Sam Jay as Sam, a cook
- Langston Kerman as Langston, a janitor
- Jak Knight as Jak, a stockroom worker
- Phi Tran as Tiki, Sam’s sidepiece
- DomiNque Perry as Nina, Sam’s girlfriend
- Freddie Gibbs as Chauncey, the casino’s HR manager
Bust Down Season 1 All Episodes:
Season | Episodes | Release-End Date |
1 | 6 | March 10, 2022 |
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