Chhoto Geet Lyrics – Nepathya

Chhoto Geet Lyrics - Nepathya Nepathya Band Songs Lyrics, Chords, Mp3, Tabs

Chhoto Geet Lyrics

Song: Chhoto Geet
Artist: 1974 AD

Gham dubyo sanjha paryo
Aba chhuttine pani bela bho
Aajako din pani bityo
Yo raat katla nakatla
Bholi aaula ya na-aaula
Feri bhet hola nahola
Yo chhoto geet timilai
Feri nabhete sammalai
Yadi feri bhetai nabhaye
Sanchi rakhnu samjhanalai

छोटो गीत

घाम डुब्यो साँझ पर्यो
अब छुट्टिने पनि बेला भो
आजको दिन पनि बित्यो
यो रात काट्ला नकाट्ला
भोली आउला या नआउला
फेरी भेट होला नहोला
यो छोटो गीत तिमीलाई
फेरी नभेटे सम्मलाई
यदि फेरी भेटै नभए
साँची राख्नु सम्झनालाई

Background Information:

Chhoto Geet song is Written and Composed by Daniel Karthak, Performed by Nepathya from album “Bhedako Oon Jasto, 2003 AD” which is sung by Amrit Gurung, Camera by Satya Shrestha, Directed and Edited by Padam Bajracharya, Post Production by Kathaharu and Produced by nepalaya.

Chhoto Geet song is also available on the Nepathya band official youtube channel “Nepathya” and major online music stores. So here is Chhoto Geet Lyrics by Nepathya. Enjoy and Share!

Nepathya Band Said about this song “‘Choto Geet’ or A short song, was included in Nepathya’s 6th album ‘Bhedako Oon Jasto’. The video for this song was filmed with a beautiful scene of the sun setting as seen at the Aldinga beach of southern Australia. This was filmed while the band was in Australia for a tour down under last year. This is a simple song about the uncertainty that comes after nightfall and the wish to overcome the darkness that comes with it.”

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Playlist of Nepathya:

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