Sora Barse Umerai Ma Lyrics – Kalyan Sherchan

Sora Barse Umerai Ma Lyrics - Kalyan Sherchan

Song Info:
Song: Sora Barse Umerai Ma
Singer: Kalyan Sherchan

Sora Barse Umerai Ma Lyrics

Chautari ma bar pipal
Jhammai, jhammai
(Jhammai, jhammai)
Timi sanga maya basyo
Thyammai, thyammai
(Thyammai, thyammai)

Guras fulyo lekamathi
Baan ma baan ma
(Baan ma, baan ma)
Timi sanga maya basyo
Maan ma maan ma
(Maan ma maan ma)

Sora barse umerai ma
Mai pani jhilke hundo ho
Aahile po bhudo vaye….
Soooi soi soi
Sora barse umerai ma
Mai pani jhilke hudo ho
Ailey po budo vayo
Soi soi soi

Kanchhi ko siudo ma
Sindur lagai… (Sindur lagai)
Dhoko chha hai laijane
Doli chhadai… (Doli chhadai)

Dui chulthi bateko keshma
Rato ribbon… (Rato ribbon)
Samala hai yo mero
Eklo jivan… (Aaklo jivan)

Churi deula makhamali
Dhaka sari khai bara
Mai ho kanchi rail ko drivera
Soi soi soi…

Sora barse umerai ma
Mai pani jhilke hudo ho
Aile po budo vayo
Soi soi soi…

Timro sath ma fulne chhu ma
Sadhai vhari… (Sadhai vhari)
Rahane chhau timi merai
Vara pari… (Vara pari)

Baadal ko taal ma kanchhi
Nachheko dekhda… (Nachheko dekhda)
Chautari ko chhiso batas le
Timilai chhuda… (Timilai chhuda)

Sora barse umerai ma
Mai pani jhilke hudo ho
Aile po budo vayo
Soooi soi soi…

Sora barse umerai ma
Mai pani jhilke hudo ho
Aile po budo vayo
Soooi soi soi…

Background Information:

Sora Barse Umerai Ma is a very old Nepali Folk song, sung by Kalyan Sherchan.

The song Sora Barse Umerai Ma is available on youtube and different internet platforms. So, here is Sora Barse Umerai Ma Lyrics by Kalyan Sherchan.

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One Comment

  1. Deusi bhailo ma every band le bajaune geet.

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