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Maya Lyrics – Sabin Rai | Ciney Gurung

Maya Lyrics - Sabin Rai | Ciney Gurung

Maya Lyrics

Song: Maya
Vocal: Sabin Rai & Ciney Gurung

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Maya timilai chodera
Jana pani ma sakdina
Dui thopa aanshu liyera ma
Hasna pani ta sakdina

Nahera yesari najaau timi
Yo mutulai chodera
Herideu ekchoti
Mero aankha ma
Mann ma maya bokera
Maya timi binako
Jiwan mero adhuro chha

Dobatoma chhadi diyau
Eklo pari malai aaja
Kaslai afno bhannu maile
Chhute pachi timro saath

Saath rahane kasam hamro
Todnai parne bhayo aaja
Yasto mitho sambandh chhadi
Lagnu paryo afno baato

Maya timilai chodera
Jana pani ma sakdina
Dui thopa aanshu liyera ma
Hasna pani ta sakdina

Nahera yesari najaau timi
Yo mutulai chodera
Herideu ekchoti
Mero aankha ma
Mann ma maya bokera
Maya timi binako
Jiwan mero adhuro chha
[The End]

Background Information:

Maya is one of the hit list songs by legendary singer Sabin Rai & Ciney Gurung. The song “Maya” is Music done by Gopal Rasailee, Artists are Sahil & Alisha, and Camera Hari Humagain.

This song is published on 4 November 2019 via youtube channel “Music Nepal“. So here we have Maya Lyrics by Sabin Rai & Ciney Gurung. Enjoy & Share!!!

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Playlist of Sabin Rai:

Evergreen Nepali Song Maya Lyrics – Thank you for visiting our website. I hope this post helps to fulfill your needs please Share with your friends on social network and comment below. Also, check out the latest songs lyrics and chords. 

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