Kathmandu Ko Airport Lyrics – Swoopna Suman | Swoopna Suman Songs Lyrics, Chords, Tabs, Mp3

Kathmandu Ko Airport Lyrics - Swoopna Suman. Here is the Kathmandu Ko Airport Lyrics by Swoopna Suman - Kathmandu Ko Airport ma Bagalma basna aaune mero Timro naam ke hola? Ko hau timi kun desh ko Ticket bokera jana lageko kaha hola? kathmandu ko airport lyrics, kathmandu ko airport lyrics and chords, kathmandu ko airport guitar chords, kathmandu ko airport guitar lesson, lyrics of kathmandu ko airport chords of kathmandu ko airport, swoopna suman new song, swoopna suman new song lyrics, swoopna suman kathmandu ko airport lyrics, kathmandu ko airport karaoke kathmandu ko airport free mp3 download,kathmandu ko airport free song download, swoopna suman latest song

Kathmandu Ko Airport Lyrics

Song: Kathmandu Ko Airport Lyrics
Singer: Swoopna Suman

Kathmandu Ko Airport ma
Bagalma basna aaune mero
Timro naam ke hola?
Ko hau timi kun desh ko
Ticket bokera jana lageko kaha hola?
Sodhna mann lagyo tara bolna sakina
Bujhchhau ki nai timi mero bhasa
Excuse me bhandai timi aauchau ki
Bhanne mero aasha
Ani Jhyalma basi sochi rahe
Chaina ki Japan ki Mongolian
Pokhara ghumna lai aako raichau
Timi sangai baseko keta ko hola?
Sodhna lai kojhchu hera ma parai bata
Sunchau ki nai timi mero aawaz
Bolu ta ke bhanera bolu aaja
Hera kasto ho yo badhyata

Lakeside ko chiso hawa
Pani pareko chha mausam aaja
Nana thari kura mannma khelai
Sochi rahe timrai bare yo saajha
Timi kaha chhau ma chhu kaha feri
Lekhekai chaina hola bheta huna
Timi kaha chhau ma chhu kaha feri
Lekhekai chaina hola bheta huna
(Bheta huna bhet huna)

Aayau timi feri ma bhakai thauma
Aasha palayo naya mannma
Herdai timile jaba muskai diyau
Pura bho mann ko yo chahana

काठमाडौँको एयरपोर्ट

काठमाडौँको एयरपोर्टमा
बगलमा बस्न आउने मेरो
तिम्रो नाम के होला?
को हौ तिमी कुन देशको
टिकट बोकेर जान लागेको काहाँ होला?
सोध्न मन लग्यो तर बोल्न सकिन
बुझ्छौ कि नाई मेरो भाषा
“Excuse Me” भन्दै तिमी आउछौ कि
भन्ने मेरो आशा
अनि झ्यालमा बसी सोची रहे
चाइना कि जापान कि मंगोलियन
पोखरा घुम्म्नलाई आको रैछौ
तिमी सँगै बसेको केटा को होला?
सोध्नलाई खोज्छु हेर म परैबाट
सुन्छौ कि नाई मेरो आवाज
बोलु त के भनेर बोलु आज
हेर कस्तो हो यो बाध्यता

लेकसाईडको चिसो हावा
पानी परेको छ मौसम आज
नाना थरि कुरा मनमा खेलाई
सोचिरहे तिम्रै बारे यो साँझ
तिमी काहाँ छौ म छु काहाँ फेरी
लेखेकै छैन होला भेट हुन
(भेट हुन भेट हुन)

आयौ तिमी फेरी म भाकै ठाउँमा
आशा पलायो नयाँ मनमा
हेर्दै तिमीले जब मुस्काई दियौ
पुरा भो मनको यो चाहना

[The End]
Background Information

Kathmandu Ko Airport is one of the most beautiful songs by Swoopna Suman. He is a well-known young and talented Nepali singer. The song is written, compose and performed by Swoopna Suman, Produced, recorded, mixed and mastered by Foeseal, footages shot by Bijaya Basnet, compiled and edited by Sushan Manander. The song is published on 8/17/2019 on his official youtube channel “Swoopna Suman”. So here is the Kathmandu Ko Airport Lyrics. Enjoy!


PlayList of Swoopna Suman

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