99+ Adorable, Cute, Romantic Nicknames for Your Girlfriend, Wife, or Partner

Here are the most adorable, cute, and romantic nicknames to call your girlfriend, wife, or partner. If you’re not sure what nickname to use, check out this guide on 100+ Adorable, Cute, Romantic Nicknames For Your Girlfriend to help you choose one!
With these cute nicknames, you’ll be able to tell your girlfriend just how much she means to you. If you want some sweet nicknames or if you’re looking for pet names, this list of adorable nicknames is sure to help! Just because your girlfriend’s name is Jennifer doesn’t mean that Fluffy Butt will go over well with her; make sure that the nickname you choose fits her personality and style. With such a variety of cute nicknames to choose from, everyone should be able to find the perfect one!
Cute and romantic nicknames are the best way to let your girlfriend know you love her and are thinking about her all the time. When you call her by her nickname, it’s a subtle way of showing that you’re not taking your relationship for granted and you want to be as close to her as possible.
List of Adorable, Cute, Romantic Nicknames for Your Girlfriend, Wife, or Partner:
- Ace – Another classic used for the woman that is the best in your life.
- Admirer
- Adorable – A person that is so unbelievably cute.
- Adored
- Agapi Mou (Greek for “my love”)
- Alessia
- Almond Joy
- Amante (Spanish for “secret lover”)
- Amore
- Amorina (Italian)
- Anemone
- Angel – There is no girl in the world that wouldn’t want to be called an angel.
- Angel Baby
- Angel Booty
- Angel Wing
- Angel of Mine
- Angelita
- Apple Dumpling
- Apple Pie
- Artist Girl
- Ashkim (Turkish for “spiritual love”)
- Attractive
- Azucar (Spanish for “sugar”)
- Baba Ganoush (a Lebanese dish)
- Babe – A babe means a girl that is beautiful, so it describes her perfectly.
- Babelicious
- Babette – A cute take on the classic “babe” pet name.
- Babochka (Russian for “butterfly”)
- Baboo
- Baby – This means you want to care for her, just like a baby.
- Baby Angel – The girl that is your baby, yet an angel sent to you from heaven.
- Baby Baluga
- Baby Bear – If she likes to cuddle, you can call her baby bear.
- Baby Boo
- Baby Cakes
- Baby Carrot
- Baby Cheeks
- Baby Doll – Perfect for an incredibly stunning girlfriend.
- Baby Face
- Baby Girl – An affectionate name for her that is adoring, yet cute.
- Baby Mine
- Babylicious – A delicious girl that is all yours.
- Bae
- Baebilicious
- Barbie
- Beanie
- Beau
- Beautiful – Self-explanatory.
- Beautiful Girl
- Beauty
- Beauty queen
- Bee’s Knees
- Behb
- Bella – “Beautiful” in Italian. This is another adoring nickname for her.
- Beloved
- Berry
- Berry Boo
- Better Half – This is a nickname that is common. A person’s better half is their girlfriend or boyfriend that is better, prettier or sweeter than they are.
- Bichito (Spanish for “little bug”)
- Big Head
- Bikini Bottom
- Birdie
- Biscuit
- Bite-Size
- Bitsy – Small and cute, bitsy is a name often heard in the south, and is both cute and welcomed.
- Bitty Bug
- Blondie – Use this name if her hair is pleasantly blond.
- Blossom – The person that blossomed into your life, making it better than you could ever imagine.
- Blue Eyes – This only works if you have a beautiful, blue-eyed girl in your life.
- Bluebell
- Blueberry Pie
- Bombon (Spanish for “chocolate piece”)
- Bombshell
- Bond Girl – Perfect for a daring girlfriend.
- Bonita – Spanish for ‘beautiful.’
- Boo / My Boo – A new nickname that is adoring.
- Boo Bear
- Boo Boo
- Boo Bug
- Boo Thang
- Boobala
- Bootie Pants
- Bootylicious – Ideal for a girlfriend with big booty.
- Boss
- Brainiac
- Brave Bird
- Bright Eyes – Eyes that are bright and beautiful deserve a fitting nickname, such as bright eyes.
- Brown eyes – If she has sexy brown eyes.
- Brown Sugar – Okay, sugar is sweet. But brown sugar is incredibly magical.
- Bub – Gender neutral. Bub is the name to use when you are very comfortable being with her.
- Bubba
- Bubbies
- Bubble Butt – This is self-explanatory, but be careful: she may get mad.
- Bubble Gum
- Bugs
- Bunbuns
- Bunny
- Bunny Bee
- Bunny Berry
- Butter
- Butter Biscuit
- Butter Bomb
- Butter Butt
- Butter Cup
- Buttercream
- Buttercup – A name often used to describe a girl that is your buttercup.
- Butterfly – The girl that has had a beautiful transformation in life.
- Butthead – Playful in nature. Butthead is used when she is being a butthead.
- Button – Cute and small like a button.
- Buzzy Bee
- Cameron
- Camila
- Candy – Means the sweet one.
- Candy Cane
- Candy Eyes
- Captain
- Cara (Italian)
- Caramel
- Carebear
- Cariña (Spanish)
- Casanova
- Cashmere
- Champ
- Charming – If she is sweet and charming, you can tell her so.
- Charming Mama
- Charming stuff
- Cheese Ball
- Chemo tkbilo (Georgian for “my sweetie”)
- Cherished
- Cherry – Sweet and tasty just like a cherry.
- Cherry Blossom
- Cherry Pie
- Cherubie
- Chica – A common nickname for Latina girlfriend.
- Chickadee – A cute name with no real meaning.
- Chicky Chick
- Chicky Pie
- Child Cheeks
- Chipmunk
- Chiqui (Spanish for “Chiquito,” or “something tiny”)
- Chiquitita – A sweet girlfriend nickname that was popularized by the Swedish pop group, Abba.
- Chloe
- Chocopie
- Chuckles
- Chunky
- Cinderella – The princess of your heart.
- Cinnamon – The girl that is so sweet and so good that the only word to call her is a spice often found in cakes and cinnamon buns.
- Cinnamon Girl
- Cloudy Eyes
- Coo Coo – A funny yet still romantic pet name for girlfriends.
- Coochy
- Cookie – So sweet and good that you just want to eat her all up.
- Cookie Bear
- Cookie Dough
- Cookie Monster
- Courageous Bird
- Cowgirl – Meant for the girl that lives in the south and may or may not have grown up on a farm or ranch.
- Cream – A nickname with many meanings. This could mean the way she looks or tastes.
- Cream Puff
- Creme
- Crown princess
- Cuckoo
- Cuddle Bear
- Cuddle Bubby
- Cuddle Bug – The perfect name to call her when cuddling together and watching a movie.
- Cuddle Bunny
- Cuddle Cake
- Cuddle Muffin
- Cuddles
- Cuddly Wuddly – A sweet pet name for your cuddle partner.
- Cuore Mio (Italian)
- Cupcake – For a sweet girlfriend.
- Cupid – The girl that has shot an arrow at your heart and stole it away.
- Cuppy Cake
- Cute
- Cute Eyes
- Cute Face
- Cute Mama
- Cute Pie – A name for the girl that is cute and sweet as pie.
- Cute Stuff
- Cutesy
- Cutie
- Cutie Cute
- Cutie Head
- Cutie Patootie – An affectionate name for someone that is as cute as a button.
- Cutie Pie – A fancier variation of Cutie.
- D-Vine
- Daisy – Bright as the sun, and delicate as a flower.
- Darla
- Darlin
- Darling – Another classic girlfriend nickname that has never lost its magic.
- Darling Girl
- Darling love
- Daylight
- Dear – This classic girlfriend nickname means that she’s the woman after your heart.
- Dearest
- Dearheart
- Dearie
- Deary
- Deborah
- Delight
- Desserts
- Dewdrop
- Diamond – Pure perfection with a smile that can rival even the world’s most beautiful jewel: a diamond.
- Dimples – Girls that have cute dimples when they smile should be told every day.
- Dinky
- Dinky Duddydums
- Divine One
- Doll – Call her Doll if she’s truly beautiful.
- Doll Face – Beautiful and flaw-free is what doll face means.
- Donut – The choice for someone that is sweet and round.
- Doodle Bug – If she is a painter or someone that likes to draw, you may call her “doodle bug.”
- Double Bubble
- Dove – Beautiful and innocent just like a white dove.
- Dream Girl – This means she’s the one you’re always dreaming of.
- Dream Lover
- Dreamboat – She’s a boat filled with dreams.
- Dreamweaver
- Dreamy
- Duckling
- Dumpling
- Emely
- Emerald
- Evelyn
- Eyecandy
- Fairy Love
- Fairy – The name for a younger girl that loves magic and romance.
- Fairytale
- Fantastic
- Fantasy – A girl that is too good to be true.
- Fine Wine
- Finger Licker
- Firecracker – Filled with passion and excitement.
- Firefly – This means her presence brightens your life even during gloomy days.
- First lady
- Flame – A woman who has an essence as bright and radiant as a flame.
- Flawless
- Flower
- Flower Child – Meant for a woman that is a flower child: a person that loves the earth and wants nothing but peace.
- Fluffball
- Fluffernutter
- Fluffy
- Fly Girl
- Foxy
- Frecklebutt
- Freckles – When a woman has freckles that are oh so cute, calling her freckles comes naturally.
- Frostie
- Fruit Loop – A playful name that should be used with caution.
- Fruitcake
- Fudgesicle
- Future Wife
- Gatinha (Brazilian Portuguese)
- Gem – Priceless and beautiful in every way.
- Genius
- Giggles – If she has a laugh that is contagious, you can call her giggles.
- Giggly
- Gillette – When a woman is the best a man can get, calling her Gillette will be a cute way to remind her.
- Glorious – Ideal if you want to make her feel treasured.
- Gnocci
- Goddess – If she is so pretty it’s almost unreal.
- Golden Girl
- Golden Ticket
- Goldfish
- Goober
- Good-looking
- Gorgeous – This is a name that is evergreen. Calling a woman gorgeous is always a good nickname.
- Gorgeous Girl
- Green Eyes
- Gum Drop – There is really no meaning behind this name, but it is used often.
- Gumbo
- Gumdrop
- Gummy Bear – The meaning is kind of hidden in this one, but it is a cute name.
- Habibi Albi (Arabic for “love of my heart”)
- Handsome
- Hangry
- Happiness – She is what happiness means to you.
- Harmony
- Heart Hunter
- Heart Stopper
- Heart Throb – Meant for the teenage crowd. This is a person that makes everyone’s heart throb.
- Heartfelt
- Heartie – For the girlfriend who’s got the key to your heart.
- Heaven – The name for a girl so perfect that nothing else but heaven can describe her.
- Heaven-Sent
- Hermosa (Spanish)
- Hershey’s
- Holly
- Hon
- Honey – This classic nickname applies to both girlfriends and boyfriends.
- Honey Badger
- Honey Baked
- Honey Bee – Ideal for a sweet girlfriend who’s also a little wild.
- Honey Bunch – Nothing is sweeter than honey, except your woman.
- Honey Bunny – Sweet as honey, and cuddly and cute like a bunny.
- Honey Buns – A name with two meanings. She may be sweet like a honey bun, or her “buns” may look good.
- Honey Butter
- Honey Crisp
- Honey Pie
- Honey Pot
- Honkers
- Hon’ – A fancier variation of Honey.
- Hop – A cute name for someone that is fun and exciting.
- Hot Lips
- Hot Mama – Another funny name to use when she is looking her best.
- Hot Stuff – For a beautiful girlfriend.
- Hot cocoa
- Hot-stuff – When she is looking hot and sexy, let her know with this nickname.
- Hottie – She is hot and sexy, so tell her.
- Hugging Bug
- Huggles
- Huggums
- Hum Baby
- Hummingbird – Sweet, gentle, and romantic.
- Hun – Simple and traditional.
- Jaliyah
- Jasmine
- Jelly
- Jelly Bean – No real meaning besides that she is sweet and cute.
- Jewel – Precious and beautiful like a jewel.
- Jewl
- Joy – The right name if she brings you happiness and joy.
- Juicy
- Juliet – The ideal name for the romantic. After all, you get to be Romeo.
- Juliette
- Kaitlyn
- Katniss
- Kissy Face
- Kit Kat
- Kitten – Playful, cute and sweet describes her – and a kitten, of course.
- Kittu
- Kitty – Just like the nickname “kitten.”
- Kitty Cat
- Kitty Kat
- Knight In Shining Armor
- Knockout
- Lady
- Lady friend
- Ladybug
- Ladylove
- Lamb – Sweet and undeniably cute.
- Leading lady
- Lemon Drop – Excellent for a girlfriend who can be sour sometimes but is generally sweet.
- Lemon – An exciting name for an exciting girl.
- Liddles
- Light of My Soul
- Light of my Life
- Lil Dove – A play on the nickname “Dove.” The addition of “Lil” makes it a little cuter.
- Lil Lover
- Lily
- Lil´ Mouse
- Linda (Spanish)
- Little Bird – Excellent for a small-sized girlfriends who also loves to sing.
- Little Dove
- Little Flower
- Little Heart
- Little Hummingbird
- Little Lady – Another classic. Calling her little lady is cute and sweet.
- Little Mama – Ideal for older ladies. This is a cute name for small moms or the older crowd.
- Little Monkey
- Little Otter
- Little Peanut
- Little cat
- Loca – Means she’s sweet but a little weird, and proud of it.
- Lollipop – For the girlfriend that is irresistible and delicious.
- Looker
- Love
- Love Bug
- Love Muffin
- Love bird
- Lovebug
- Love of my Life – More of a beautiful saying than a real nickname.
- Love piece
- Lovebird – Delicate like your love and cute as a bird.
- Lovebug
- Loved one
- Lovelady
- Loveline
- Lovely
- Lover Girl – Old fashioned and cute. This is a great name that isn’t too mushy but still hits the right chords with any girl.
- Lover – The name for the love of your life.
- Lovergirl
- Lovey – One of the cutest and most romantic girlfriend pet names.
- Lucky Charm – Does she bring you luck wherever you go? If so, she may just be your “lucky charm.”
- Lunchcake
- Luv
- Luv Puppies
- Ma Belle
- Macaroon
- Magic – A personal nickname that often relates to how you see her – like magic.
- Magnificence
- Maharani
- Main Squeeze – Often said as “you’re my main squeeze.” This nickname means she is your main woman.
- Mama
- Mamacita
- Mami
- Manna
- Mariposa (Spanish)
- Marshmallow
- Marshymallow
- Marvel Girl
- Marvelous
- Melody – A girl with a voice that sings a melody to your heart.
- Meow – Another cat reference for the frisky woman in your life.
- Mi Alma (Spanish)
- Mi Amor – Spanish for ‘my love.’
- Mi Amore
- Mi Cielo – Spanish for ‘my heaven.’
- Mi Tesoro – Spanish for ‘my treasure.’
- Mi Todo – Spanish for ‘my all.’
- Milady
- Minnie – Just like Disney’s Minnie, she is perfect in every way.
- Miss
- Miss Kitty
- Miss Universe – Means she’s the most beautiful woman you know.
- Miss. Right
- Misses
- Missy
- Mon Amour
- Mon Cheri – French for ‘sweetheart.’
- Mon Chou (French)
- Mon Mignon (French for “my cutie”)
- Mon Petit
- Monkey
- Monkey Butt – This must only be used in the right situation.
- Monkey Muffins
- Monkey Paw
- Moon Beams
- Motek (Hebrew for “sweetheart” or “honey”)
- Mouse Moose
- Mouse – The ideal name for a girl that is quiet and shy.
- Moya Golubushka (Russian for “my little love”)
- Ms. Hottie
- Ms. Universe
- Muffin
- Munchie
- Munchkin
- Mushi
- My All – If she means everything to you, this is the perfect name for her.
- My Angel
- My Cherie Amour
- My Dear – A more specific variant of Dear.
- My Everything
- My Fair Lady – Appropriate for a charming and classy girlfriend.
- My Girl
- My Heart
- My Juliet- Means you consider her love undying.
- My Lady
- My Life
- My Love
- My Only
- My Other Half
- My Queen
- My Rose
- My Treasure
- My better Half
- My rose
- My soul mate
- Naughty Hottie
- Nibbles
- Nirvana
- Num Nums
- Nutter Butter
- One & Only
- One Who Is Always Right
- One in a million
- Oreo
- PIC (partner-in-crime)
- Pancake
- Pancakes – A pet name with no real meaning.
- Panda
- Passion Fruit
- Passion – She brings passion into your life.
- Peach
- Peach Blossom
- Peach – A vibrant and delicate woman that is sweet.
- Peach-O
- Peaches
- Peachy Pie
- Peachy – Great for a cute and sweet girlfriend.
- Peanut – She is small and cute, so peanut is the perfect name for her.
- Pearl – Innocent and precious.
- Pebbles – Another adoring name with no real meaning.
- Perfect
- Perfect partner
- Perfection
- Pet – Cute and cuddly just like she is.
- Piccola (Italian)
- Piccolina (Italian)
- Pickle
- Picklehead
- Picture Perfect
- Pikachu
- Pillowchest
- Pink Lips
- Pinky
- Pixie
- Pleasantness
- Plum Pudding
- Pocket-Size
- Pokie
- Pooh
- Pooh Bear
- Pooh – If she is a fan of Winnie the Pooh, she will appreciate this name.
- Pookie – No real meaning, but it is cute.
- Poppy
- Poppy Seed
- Precious – A person so valuable that you never want them to leave.
- Precious Angel – This is just like the precious nickname we discussed in the first half of this list but is a little sweeter with “angel’ added.
- Pretty Face
- Pretty Girl
- Pretty Lady
- Pretty – Self-explanatory.
- Prince Charming
- Princess – The fairytale princess that you always envisioned in life.
- Princess Buttercup
- Princess Peach
- Princess royal
- Principessa (Italian)
- Prize – The name to give her when she is your number 1.
- Pudding
- Pudding Pie
- Pudding Pop
- Pudding – Adorable and sweet. Pudding should only be used on girls that are confident.
- Puffin
- Pumpkin – A very fond girlfriend nickname.
- Pumpkin Pie
- Pumpkin Pork
- Puppy Dog
- Puppy Face
- Purrball
- Pussycat – A frisky name for a frisky woman.
- Queen – She is the queen of your heart, so don’t let her forget it.
- Queen Bee
- Queenie – The name given to any woman that you want to be with forever.
- Ravishing
- Rolo
- Rose – Precious, beautiful and delicate like a rose.
- Rosebud
- Rosemary – Rosey (adding a suffix like -y instantly makes the nickname extra romantic)
- Rosetta
- Rosie
- Royal lady
- Saint – A woman so pure and innocent, she must be a saint.
- Sapphire
- Scarlett
- Schatz (German)
- Serenity
- Sex Kitten – The perfect name for the frisky girl in your life. Just make sure that you never use this in front of her parents.
- Sexy – This means she’s sexually seductive.
- Shortcake – A cute name for a petite girlfriend.
- Shortie
- Shug
- Sikvarulo (Georgian for “my love”)
- Silver Fox
- Skippy
- Skittle
- Sleeping Beauty
- Slick
- Smarty Pants
- Smiles
- Smiley
- Smiley Face
- Smiley – Excellent for a girlfriend with a beautiful smile.
- Smoke Show
- Smoochy – If you love kissing her, smoochy is a great name.
- Smoosh
- Snappy
- Snickers
- Snoepje (Dutch)
- Snooki – No, not the reality star. This is a name that is cute and adoring.
- Snookipuss
- Snowflake – She is pure and white as snow, and just as delicate.
- Snuggle Bug
- Snuggle Cake
- Snuggle Muffin
- Snuggle Pie
- Snuggle bear
- Snugglepuff
- Snuggles – The name for the girl that loves to snuggle in bed with you.
- Snuggly Bear
- Snuggly – Someone so darn cute that all you want to do is snuggle with them.
- Soft Lips
- Softy
- Solnishko (Russian for “little sunshine”)
- Soulmate – A name that doesn’t need a description.
- Spanky – Her booty is so fine that you love to spank it.
- Sparkle
- Sparkle star
- Sparkles
- Sparkly Eyes
- Sparky
- Sparrow
- Speedy
- Spirit – If she means the world to you, then spirit is the perfect name.
- Spring – Does she add color and happiness to your life?
- Sprinkles – Colorful, fun and happy is what the name sprinkles indicate.
- Squeegee
- Squirrel
- Squirt – Meant for the girl that is much smaller than you. This is more playful than sweet.
- Star – Bright and beautiful like the stars above.
- Star Shine
- Starlight
- Starry Eyes
- Stickey Bun
- Stud
- Stunner
- Sugar – A classic nickname for a girl that is sweet as sugar.
- Sugar Bomb
- Sugar Candy
- Sugar Lips – The kisses she gives you are as sweet and tasty as sugar.
- Sugar Lumps
- Sugar Mama
- Sugar Mouse
- Sugar Plum – Sweet as sugar and delicate as a plum.
- Sugar Sauce
- Sugar Smacks
- Sugar darling
- Sugarplum
- Summer – Bright and radiant like the summer sun.
- Sun Beams
- Sunflower – She’s unmistakably beautiful.
- Sunny
- Sunshine – The light of your life and the warmth of your world.
- Sunshine Pants
- Super Girl
- Super Soaker
- Super lady
- Superstar – She may not be famous, but she is a superstar in your eyes.
- Superwoman
- Swain
- Sweet
- Sweet Bun
- Sweet Butt
- Sweet Cakes
- Sweet Heart
- Sweet Lettuce
- Sweet Little Dumpling – A woman with a curvy figure that likes to show off her curves will appreciate this one.
- Sweet Momma – Means the sweet one, especially if she’s also older or bigger than you.
- Sweet Nothing
- Sweet Onion
- Sweet Pea – For a girlfriend who’s the sweetest thing ever.
- Sweet Potato
- Sweet Stuff
- Sweet Tea
- Sweet Thang – The name for the woman that is sexy.
- Sweet Thing
- Sweet bunch
- Sweet bunches
- Sweet n Sour
- Sweet pea
- Sweetheart – A classic girlfriend nickname that most women still love.
- Sweetie – The more endearing form of Sweetheart.
- Sweetie Pie – It doesn’t matter whether she loves pie or not, this nickname will surely blow her away.
- Sweetie dear
- Sweetkins
- Sweetness – The girl that is so sweet, you call her sweetness.
- Sweeton
- Sweetu
- Sweetums
- Tailfeather
- Tangerine
- Tasty Treat
- Tater Tit
- Tater Tot
- Tea Cup
- Teacup
- Teddy Bear
- Temptress – Frisky, fun, and tempting. This name is ideal in the bedroom, or when you’re really flirting.
- Tiger Queen
- Tinkerbell – Excellent for a cute and magical girlfriend.
- Tinkerbelle
- Tiny
- Toffee
- Toots – A name only to be used when you are in a long-term relationship.
- Tootsie
- Tootsie Roll
- Topolina (Italian)
- Tough Girl
- Trap Queen – If she’s a hustler or a boss.
- Treasure – A life filled with happiness and riches is what her love means to you.
- True Love
- Tulip – There is no particular meaning behind this nickname, but it is quite popular.
- Twinkle – The name for the star in your life that brings a twinkle to your eyes.
- Twinkles – Appropriate for a girl who ignites your passion. My Twinkling Star is an even cuter variation.
- Twinkly
- Twix
- Valentine – Every day you are with her is a reminder of your love.
- Valuable One
- Vampy
- Velvet
- Vita Mia (Italian)
- Vixen
- Vogue – Appropriate for a fashion-loving girlfriend.
- Waffle
- Waffles
- Warrior
- Water Lily
- Watermelon
- Wifey – Means she’s wife material.
- Wizardry
- Woman Luck
- Wonder Girl
- Wonder Woman
- Wonderful – If her presence fills you with awe, then Wonderful will be a perfect name for her.
- Young woman
- Yummy – You just want to grab and ‘eat’ her.
- Zaika (Russian)
So there you have it. 100+ adorable nicknames that are perfect to use for your girlfriend. While it’s impossible to choose just one nickname from these options, I hope you found a handful of options that work well with your partner and their personality. Remember: The best way to test out these nicknames is in person! If your partner likes any of them—or if they come up with any better ones on their own—be sure to let us know in the comments below.