Aama Lyrics – Nepathya | Nepathya Band Songs Lyrics, Chords, Mp3, Tabs

Aama Lyrics - Nepathya  Nepathya Band Songs Lyrics, Chords, Mp3, Tabs

Aama Lyrics

Song: Aama
Artist: Nepathya

Aama huna
Aama huna sahrai asajilo chha
Pahad jasto
Uchaima pugera maidana bhaidinu parne
Maidanama pugera ukalo bhaidinu parne
Ukalo bhaidinu parne

Aama huna….

Santana haru kaha pugchhan
Kholaa haru jasto
Santana haru kaha pugchhan
Kholaa haru jasto
Sapanaa haru kaha pugchhan
Swachchhanda charaa haru jasto

Aama haru pahad chheuko
Chautari huna abhishapta chhan
Aama huna aphthyaro chha
Aama huna…
Pahad hunu jastai gahro chha

Aama huna….


आमा हुन
आमा हुन साह्रै असजिलो छ
पहाड जस्तो
उचाईमा पुगेर मैदान भईदिनु पर्ने
मैदानमा पुगेर उकालो भईदिनु पर्ने
उकालो भईदिनु पर्ने

आमा हुन….

सन्तानहरु कहाँ पुग्छन्
खोलाहरु जस्तो
सन्तानहरु कहाँ पुग्छन्
खोलाहरु जस्तो
सपनाहरु कहाँ पुग्छन्
स्वच्छन्द चराहरु जस्तो
आमाहरु पहाड छेउको
चौतारी हुन अभिशप्त छन्
आमा हुन अफ्ठ्यारो छ
आमा हुन…
पहाड हुन जस्तै गाह्रो छ

आमा हुन…
<<<THE END>>>

Background Information:

Aama is Nepathya’s song from “Mero Desh” album. The song Aama written Tirtha Shrestha, composed by Amrit Gurung, and produced by nepa~laya.

Aama song available on the Nepathya band official youtube channel “Nepathya” and major online music stores. So here is Aama Lyrics by Nepathya. Enjoy and Share!


[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaFz5TxPSWk”]

Playlist of Nepathya:

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