Somewhere in Montana

Trailer, Teaser & Videos

Movie Details

Country United States
Language English
Release dateJanuary 10, 2025
Running time1hr 44min
StarringMichelle Hurd, Graham McTavish, Jonathan Stoddard, Kate Orsini, Mick Szal
Directed by Brandon Smith
Written byBrandon Smith
Produced byJoe Borden, Eden Matson, Brandon Smith
Cinematography by AJ Young
Edited by John Schimke
Music byJason Livesay, Nolan Livesay
Production CompaniesNova Vento Entertainment
Second Wind Productions
Distributor Nova Vento Entertainment

Cast & Characters

  • Michelle Hurd as Kat
  • Graham McTavish as John Alexander
  • Jonathan Stoddard as Spencer Chase
  • Kate Orsini as Dhalia
  • Mick Szal as Shelby
  • Travis W Bruyer as Self – Armourer
  • Michael Monks as Frank
  • Kaleigh Macchio as Laney Alexander
  • Tashia Gates as Rebecca
  • Matt Drago as Fabian Verdugo
  • William Scott Brown as Pastor Dan
  • Andrew Roa as Bob
  • Jared Broxterman as Mike
  • Ilsa Ambika Ryan as Serena
  • Melanie Rae Wendt
  • Derek Sorrell as Director of Photography
  • Douglas ‘Hurricane’ Hall as Dave
  • Robert Holter as Kern
  • Veronica Marquardt as Production Assistant


John Alexander is a man whose roots run strong and deep. His presence on the land is as much a part of Montana as the mountains themselves against the wide, open sky. But for the first time in his life, John is realizing that not everything is as set in stone as he previously believed. Facing the potential loss of his land and his livelihood, John realizes that he’s going to have to make a deal that may as well be akin to selling his soul to the devil. He’s going to let Hollywood come make a movie on his land. Far removed from the mountains of Montana, Fabian is a rising star in the entertainment industry. A director always balanced on the edge of the latest trends, he’s known as a creative visionary and he has the big personality to go with it. He is convinced that his next picture is going to be his breakthrough and nothing is going to deter him from that vision. Not even an old crusty rancher. When John and Fabian meet, it’s less business meeting and more rodeo showdown between a rider and a bull. As each of them tries to figure out how to get what they want without compromising their own values, they have no idea that their worlds are both about to fall apart. The only question now is where the pieces are going to fall and who is going to put them back together.


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