Top 5 Nepali Youtube Channel for Guitar Lesson (Youtube Channel for Guitar Lesson)


Today I’m going to present the top 5 best and most popular Nepali youtube channels for guitar lessons. This channel will help you to become the finest guitarist from scratch. They share not only a songs guitar tutorial also help you to learn basic to an advanced guitar lesson.

So let’s check out the best Nepali Youtube channel for guitar lessons. I am sure these Youtube guitar lesson channel helps you to learn guitar from beginner to advanced level.

List of Top 5 Nepali Youtube Channel for Guitar Lesson

1. Nepali E-Chords:

Here Best Nepali Youtube Channel for Guitar lesson. I am sure these Youtube guitar lesson channel helps you to learn guitar from beginner to advance level. top Nepali Youtube Channel for Guitar Lesson, guitar lesson, nepali guitar lessons, nepali guitar lesson download, Youtube Channel for Guitar Lesson, nepali guitar lesson download, basic guitar lessons, first guitar lesson, best guitar learning app, nepali e chords guitar lesson, nepali guitar tutorial guitar lesson, arun lama guitar lesson, female guitar teachers on youtube guitar songs classic rock free guitar lessons app free guitar lessons for beginners acoustic best guitar songs to practice free guitar lessons youtube best youtube guitar lessons reddit best intermediate guitar lessons on youtube best youtube channel for learning guitar in hindi Nepali Songs for Acoustic Guitar Best Acoustic Guitar Songs guitar chords of nepali songs with lyrics easy nepali songs for guitar beginners nepali songs chords nepathya nepali song chords narayan gopal nepali songs lyrics collection guitar tabs free good acoustic guitar songs best electric guitar songs nepali chords 1974 ad guitar tab forum acoustic guitar tabs fingerstyle

Nepali E-Chords is one of the most popular youtube channels for Nepali guitar lessons. They provide such amazing guitar lessons for beginner to advance levels. Nepali E-Chords channel joined on 20 April 2013 on youtube and has 150k youtube subscribers on the platforms.

Gurasai Fulyo Guitar Lesson is the first video on the youtube channel which is uploaded on 20 April 2013 with half-million plus views. Till now Nepali E-Chords uploaded almost 250 plus videos.

Nepali E-Chords provides old to latest Nepali songs guitar lessons, Beginner to advanced level guitar lessons, interviews, and concert videos in the Nepali language. If you’re a beginner guitar player then this is the right place to learn guitar and songs guitar lessons.

Nepali E-Chords teach very simple ways like songs chords, strumming patterns is so simple and easy to understand. Nepali E-Chords most of the guitar lessons play in acoustic guitar so beginner guitar learners are easily connected with them.

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2. Nepali Guitar Tutorial

Nepali Guitar Tutorial is the best YouTube channel for Nepali guitar lessons. Here you can get old and new Nepali songs guitar lessons, guitar tabs, vlogs, concert videos, cover songs, Guitar covers, Interviews, react videos, and so on.

Nepali Guitar Tutorial youtube channel joined on 28 June 2013 and has 124k subscribers on the platforms. The Nepali Guitar Tutorial uploaded 222 plus videos on youtube. Nepali Guitar Tutorial youtube channel owner’s name is Sunil Nepal. He is a great guitarist who currently lives in Germany. His first video on youtube was Joe Satriani – Always with me always with you Guitar cover which is uploaded on 5 July 2013.

His first videos are only song guitar tabs but now he uploads full tutorials (Songs Chords, Strumming pattern, Tabs, etc). The best thing about this channel guitar lesson is the, upload exactly the same song guitar tutorial. It means he used so many complicated chords, tabs, and strumming patterns which are quite difficult for a beginner guitar player.

If you are a beginner not worry if you know some basic chords and strumming this is the best platform for you to improve yourself. Sunil teaches in Nepali so easy to understand everything.  

He also makes a vlog, cover song, guitar cover video. He has another youtube channel “Top Hindi Guitar Lesson” in that channel he uploads the Hindi guitar tutorial. 

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3. Kush Plays

Our top 3 Nepali YouTube channels for guitar lessons is Kush Plays. His real name is Kushal Lama from India. He is a winner of “East India Talent Hunt”, awarded for “Best Guitarist” Battle of Bands Nepal, and finalist of “Voice of North Bengal”.

He provides the best guitar lesson with easy chords and easy strumming patterns as well as he shares cover songs, karaoke, instrumental music, and many more. His best part is that he makes guitar lessons of Nepali as well as Hindi and English songs.

Kush Plays has 171k subscribers on YouTube and more than 3100 videos are uploaded on his channel.

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4. Arun Lama:

Arun Lama YouTube channel is one of the most popular Nepali guitar lesson channels for beginners to an advanced guitar players. The channel is joined on 9 March 2012 and 90k subscribers on the platform. He uploads old and latest Nepali songs guitar lessons, beginner to an advanced guitar lesson, vlog, and so on.

If you are a beginner guitar player I definitely recommend you to visit this channel because he teaches you very well, simple and easy way in Nepali.

He was only doing a cover song on this channel but a few years later he starts to upload Nepali guitar lessons on this channel. He used basic guitar chords in his guitar lesson and an easy strumming pattern so beginner guitar players can easily learn.

This is the Top Best Nepali Youtube Channel for Guitar Lesson. If you are a beginner guitar learner, I’m sure this youtube channel helps you to learn guitar properly. These youtube channels are tech you:

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5. bibekac OFFICIAL

“bibekac OFFICIAL” is the top 5 Nepali Youtube channel for guitar lesson on our list. His name is Bibek from Nepal. He has more than 55k subscribers on his YouTube channel as well as he is also active on other social platforms including Instagram and Facebook.

Bibek shares Nepali guitar songs tutorials, guitar lessons, ukulele lessons, tips, and tricks videos, covers songs, and Hindi songs as well.

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